The purpose of this Student Playbook is to offer comprehensive guidance on incorporating 21st century skills training into academic curricula. It covers a wide range of topics, from understanding the importance of 21st century skills and assessing student needs, to designing interactive teaching methods and leveraging technology. The Playbook is intended for use by faculties and colleges across all STEM disciplines, providing adaptable strategies that can be tailored to different educational contexts and student populations, including non-STEM disciplines.
The Student Playbook is your dynamic guide, based on expansive pilots, to embedding 21st-century skills into academic curricula. It builds on Be21Skilled Pilot Student Training held at Riga Technical University (RTU) Faculty of Engineering Economics and Management (EEMF) with 385 undergraduate and master level student groups and 122 students from the University of Belgrade Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and the Faculty of Biology.
Organised into focused sections, it addresses key aspects of 21CS training, offering actionable insights and step-by-step strategies for success.