This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. The author is solely responsible for this publication (communication) and the Commission accepts no responsibility for any use may be made of the information contained therein. In compliance of the new GDPR framework, please note that the Partnership will only process your personal data in the sole interest and purpose of the project and without any prejudice to your rights.

The Be21 Skilled Project!

The rapid change of technology, growing globalisation and internationalisation in addition to the shift from industrial to knowledge-based eonomies has created the need for 21st century skills. Well-rounded 21CS are vital in battling uncertain future and aiding Europe in being more resilient and responding better to looming threats. Possesion of these skills is thus seen as a key to economic and post-COVID recovery.

STEM graduates are often reported to lack 21st century skills by employers, which in turn prevents them from innovating, developing, and adapting in uncertain, volatile times.

The Be21 skilled project argues that the introduction of 21CS and their integration into existing curricula has a potential impact to, firstly create more competent, job-ready STEM graduates and secondly foster a support system and by extension increase retention rates of at-risk female STEM students.

Therefore, there is a clear need in fostering 21CS both by upskilling STEM HEI teachers and students.

A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.
Peter Drucker

Addressing digital transformation through the development of digital readiness, resilience, and capacity.

The aim is to use innovative teaching methods to instill these skills, and aid in disrupting the traditional teaching routines, which are often in the opposition to the ethos of 21st century skills. Stimulating innovative learning and teaching practices to accomplish its primary goal of developing 21st century skills in STEM students to be able to respond better to the labour market demands, BE-21-SKILLED project puts HEI teachers in limelight.

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Project Activities

Result 01

Regional Skill Councils Blueprint and Skill Panorama

Digital open access documents which detail the modalities and aspects of setting up a successful diverse, multi-stakeholder constellation tasked with assessing the 21 century skill requirements guided by the labour market needs, technology trends and any differences stemming from gender.

Result 02

BE-21-SKILLED Toolkit

A comprehensive set of tools aimed at developing skills of both teachers and students, and which have been previously identified in Result 1

Result 03

BE-21-SKILLED Teacher Empowerment Program

A comprehensive set of modules with integrated tools from Result 2 which are geared towards comprehensive development of skills in HEI STEM teachers and their competencies in teaching the same skills to HEI STEM students

Result 04

BE-21-SKILLED eCompass

A fully digitalised, interactive platform that will amass all the knowledge accrued in the lifetime of the project (and beyond) and serve as a collaboration platform between project partners, Regional Skill Council members and other stakeholders

Result 05

BE-21-SKILLED Student Pilot and BE-21-SKILLED Playbook

An engaging undertaking aimed at developing students' 21CS skills, through practical, hands on learning around the 21st Century Skills.

Project Partners

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